
This is an old revision of the document!


Follow the link and select your operating system.

Change your dnscrypt-proxy.toml config file.

server_names = ['techsaviours.org']

Disable all


Go to the bottom routes = [ and add:

routes = [
    { server_name='2.dnscrypt-cert.techsaviours.org', via=['sdns://gRI0NS4xMzIuMjQ1Ljk1OjQ0MzQ'] }

Scroll down to the bottom and add the TECH SAVIOURS server in static and stamp:

    stamp = 'sdns://AQcAAAAAAAAAEjQ1LjEzMi4yNDUuOTU6NDQzNCAaKOG7s_XPRo0TVYMDCtgWPemMyDThFEe1os3q_As_UCAyLmRuc2NyeXB0LWNlcnQudGVjaHNhdmlvdXJzLm9yZw'

Restart the service or reconnect your client.

  • en/desktop/services/dnscrypt.1638599037.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/10/24 08:24
  • (external edit)